The most important reason to report an incident is so that it can be investigated to determine what happened, why it happened and prevent a similar incident from happening in the future. Any person may report an incident by visiting the website and entering the incident information including the VIN number of the vehicle involved.
Your contact details will be collected and used to verify information contained in your report. This personal information will not be shared with anyone, and will not be used for any other purposes.
A VIN plate is a plate that is affixed to an Industrial or Commercial vehicle that has a unique series of numbers and letters that identify that vehicle.
Enter the Incident information in the form below. The information will generate a report in the VIN program. If a VIN has been included in the incident information, the VIN program will email the report to the company with the registered VIN. If no VIN information is provided, the vehicle description and other details provided will be used to determine the Registered Owner of the vehicle. The BC Forest Safety Council will review all incident reports for opportunities to improve Road Safety and reduce injuries and fatalities.